The Oregon Health Authority is hosting Drive-Thru vaccine clinics Thursday – Sunday from 12:00 – 7:00 pm Autzen Stadium.

Location: Autzen Stadium

2700 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Eugene, OR Please follow vaccine clinic signage.

***OHA clinics do NOT require an appointment


  • Booster dose Pfizer and Moderna
  • 1st, 2nd dose Pfizer and Moderna
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • and Pediatric doses

You do not need insurance and there is no charge of any kind for the clinic. We will not ask about ID or immigration status. The COVID-19 vaccine is free regardless of immigration or insurance status.

No necesita seguro médico y no hay costo alguno por la clínica. No preguntaremos acerca del estado migratorio. La vacuna contra COVID-19 es gratuita independientemente del estado migratorio o del seguro médico.